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BITS College

Online Learning Platform

Code of conduct for Instructors and Students


Please read, agree and sign the following code of conduct in order to get access to the online learning site.

(i)            General Code of Conduct

It is the responsibility of every online learning platform user to note the following

·               Be familiar with the online learning platform in which his/her course operates.

·               Comply with good practice, as defined by College’s culture

·               Comply with the information technology policy of the College;

·               Comply with all online course policies.

·               Respect the ideas of others and respond respectfully to comments

·               Treat all students, instructors and guests with dignity and respect, be courteous and professional in all e-mail communications and electronic discussions

·               Discourage disrespectful responses or the use of inappropriate languages

·               Online platform users should never share password with others.  If so, the person who posts it takes a responsibility and is subject to disciplinary measures.  You are going to be held accountable for whatever is posted using your username.


(ii)          Students’ code of conduct

It is the responsibility of each student to note the following:

·      Participate respectfully in team collaborations and team projects

·      consult with the instructor or teaching assistant on the types of subjects that are appropriate and those that are inappropriate for the course, before you initiate forums or chats.

·      Voluntarily help other students, bearing in mind, however, that doing other people’s work for them is tantamount to cheating.

·      It is prohibited to post defamation or anything which is not related to your teacher’s request

·      Be aware that plagiarism is obviously dishonest and that engaging in it will result in dismissal from the course and perhaps from the College.

·      Cheating is subject to disciplinary measures. As much as students are encouraged to discuss assignments and study together, if a students gives his/her password to anyone to submit his/her assignments, he/she must know that the username is traceable to the location where it is posted from.  If the teacher is suspicious of these kinds of activities, he/she can request for it be checked.

·      The following are considered as cheating and plagiarism

    • Getting someone else to post assignments or take a test
    • Printing and distributing copies of online tests
    • copied and pasted information from the Internet without citing the source
    • Unfair use of electronic materials created by others

·      Failure to do own work in a course will result in a student receiving a letter grade of “F” for that course.

·      Any student found to have used any kind of identification fraud in an online course, will be subject to disciplinary measures

·      Course materials are for class purposes only and cannot be distributed to others without the permission of the owners of these materials, whether the course instructor or students in the course.


(i)            Instructors’ Code of Conduct

It is the responsibility of each instructor to note the following:

       Respond to student inquiries related to the course and its content in a timely manner

       When instructors upload a document on the course site, they have to make sure that

     the course is relevant, up-to-date, accurate, and in compliance with any applicable local or copyright laws

     students have the software that recognizes the file format of the documents